

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hump Day Planning

So it is Wednesday this means I should probably plan out what I want to accomplish by the end of the weekend. Most of the work will likely be done this weekend but I will probably try and knock out a few things tonight and tomorrow if I have time.

1) Finish Vibration Table Project (2hrs)
2) Mount organization bins to workspace (30min)
3) Move Cable Organization (45min)
4) Mount peg boards in workspace (2hrs)
5) Pickup Dental Plaster from post office (1hr)
5) Begin casting pieces (21hrs)
Note: I have calculated I will need to do at least 42 casts of the octagon tower to build the gate checkpoint. This is because of the number of floor sections I will need. Obviously this will provide me with plenty of extra bricks to do other projects. I will likely work on completing the organization tasks while the casts are drying to save time.

Looks like I have a lot to do this weekend...

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